In all the years I talked to You, I thought I knew You.
Listening to others speak of You, I thought I knew You.
Hearing the stories taught of You, I thought I knew You.
You are lost to me, because I have not searched.
Your love is lost to me, because I have not learned:
who You really are and all that You have done;
You are not who I thought You were.
While listening to You I find, I never knew You.
In reading Your Word I find, I never knew You.
In knowing your story I find, I never knew You.
No longer lost to me; You have not hidden Yourself from me.
You have made Yourself known from Your very first word:
who You really are and all that You have done;
You are not who I thought You were.
Knowing Your plan, now I know You.
Walking Your old paths, now I follow You.
Embracing Your Word, now I love You.